The Turtle Hospital. Rescue, Rehab, Release.



Arrival Date: June 8, 2024

Patient Profile

Name: Bob

Species: Green Sea Turtle

Weight: 34 pounds

Reason for visit: Entanglement and Fibropapillomatosis (FP)

Location Found: Vaca Key, FL

Status Report

06/08/24:  Today a jet ski tour guide did more than just show his guests our beautiful islands. A Green Sea Turtle was spotted at the surface of the water in distress, tangled in a fishing line that was anchored down by something heavy preventing the young sea turtle from escaping. Our rescue team member Madison hitched a ride with our local Coast Guards and rushed to the scene. Madison found the fishing line was wrapped tightly around his flippers, shell, and neck. After being cut loose from the fishing line, this young sea turtle dubbed Bob, was on his way to The Turtle Hospital for some much needed care and rest. Rehab staff was ready with intravenous fluids to help rehydrate and started Bob on antibiotics to prevent any secondary illness due to his wounds from the fishing line. Bob has been resting quietly since his arrival, our rehab team will continue to monitor and provide supportive care as Bob is also ill with Fibropapillomatosis (FP). Follow along for more updates on Bob as he begins his road to recovery from this disease. 

Remember to keep an eye out for sea turtles in need of help, when you help save a turtle you get to name them as a reward for your good deed. 

06/24/24:  This past week was a big day for Bob, after lots of rest he was ready to take on his first surgery. Bob has Fibropapillomatosis (FP) tumors on his eyes, abdomen, and under his front flippers, which needed removal. Dr. Brooke Burkhalter. A veterinarian specializing in internal medicine and skilled in the care of sea turtles. Dr. Burkhalter is the lead veterinarian at the University of Florida within their sea turtle hospital department. She will use her skills to help remove these uncomfortable masses from Bob. Bob’s next step after his surgical recovery is to be placed on Observation Status. This means we will continue to monitor him just in case there is any regrowth of tumors. His rebab team will support Bob during his surgical recovery and make sure he has all his favorite snacks.

07/27/24: Bob has been going great and diagnostic results have been coming up clear so far. If this continues Bob will get to go on for his swim test for release. His rehab team reports Bob is a very friendly guy, and loves his veggies. As we have guests visiting the hospital, Bob always comes to the surface to stay hello and show off his swimming skills. Keep up the hard work Bob, you’re doing great buddy.

8/14/24: We are so excited to announce after a recent exam with Dr. Norton, Bob has been approved for release! This is wonderful news and we cannot wait to start planning for his release back into the ocean. But before his big day Bob needs to pass his swim test, which he has been studying very hard for in the past weeks. Here at The Turtle Hospital we have public sea turtle releases to have the public share in celebrating their return to the wild. If you’d like to join us for a release please make sure to follow our Facebook or Instagram as we will post all the details for the event in advance. Bob has also been upgraded to a larger oblong tank to give him more space to practice his swimming, additional enrichment toys have been placed in his tank to help prepare him for the wild. These items help patients practice skills such as foraging, hiding, and maneuvering through spaces as they would in the wild. Make sure to say congrats to Bob during your next visit to The Turtle Hospital. 

The Swim Test  is composed of 3 things. He must have 1 good eye, 3 strong flippers, and be a strong swimmer to evade his main predator- sharks. Sea turtles can do sprints of up to 30 mphs!


On a beautiful sunny day on Higgs beach located in Key West, surrounded by happy visitors and The Turtle Hospital team. Bob made his journey down the beach and back out to sea. When Bob first arrived at The Turtle Hospital, sick with Fibropapillomatosis (FP) tumors and lethargic. After the care and support of the rehab team and Dr. Norton, Bob was tumor free. Bob returned to the wild on August 25, 2024.

Stay up to date with the latest news of the Turtle Hospital by following our Facebook or Instagram online.