The Turtle Hospital. Rescue, Rehab, Release.



Arrival Date: May 5, 2024


Patient Profile

Name: Serena

Species: Green Sea Turtle

Weight: 36.9 pounds

Reason for visit: Positive Buoyancy Disorder and Predator Attack Wound

Location Found: Key West 

Status Report

05/05/24: Serena arrived at the Turtle Hospital after a good samaritain spotted her off Key West island missing her right front flipper possibly from a predator attack, along with deformation to her shell. Our Rescue and Rehab staff performed initial diagnostics and got to work creating a care plan to start Serenas road to recovery. 

05/16/24: Serena is adjusting well to her stay at the Turtle Hospital, receiving wound care to her right front flipper, along with daily exams to ensure she is improving. 

05/18/24: Serena has been enjoying Mackerel, Caplin, and Squid during her feeding time. Today Serena enjoyed some swim time outside her hospital tank in a smaller separate space in our tide pool. She really enjoyed swimming alongside the resident fish that reside in our tide pool as well and more space to exercise. To ensure she continues to improve Serena was later placed back in her hospital tank to rest.

05/21/24: As Serena has shown more improvement the rehab team gave her a tank upgrade to our larger oblong hospital tank. This allows her more space to practice her swimming and daily exercise. Serena continues to eat well, even practicing her foraging skills! Her injured front right flipper continues to look better each day, rehab staff will continue wound care for support. Serena is scheduled next week for her physical exam, stay tuned for results! 

06/20/24: This month Serena was upgraded to a larger oblong tank for her stay here at The Turtle Hospital. So far our little lady is doing well, she’s continuing to gain weight and grow. Her front right flipper is healing very well, requiring less frequent wound care as it is almost healed. Serena has improved in her swimming skills and is loving the larger oblong tank for more space to play. Currently Serena is still displaying trouble with her buoyancy due to her deformation to her shell, at this time there is no clear answer for what the solution may be for her particular situation. The Turtle Hospital will continue to research and discuss with other organizations for the right option for Serena. In the meantime, our rehab team will continue to ensure she receives the best care during her stay. Make sure to stay hello to this little lady during your next visit to The Turtle Hospital. 

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