Public Sea Turtle Release

Hearing on Wednesday 9/2 for Men Accused of Possessing Turtle Tail

Sea Turtles need Your HELP! Let your voice be heard!


turtle tail


A hearing is scheduled for September 2nd at 10:00 a.m. We want to show our State Attorney that our island community cares about sea turtles. Marine turtles are protected by State and Federal laws. Possessing a fresh tail from a 70 year old plus loggerhead sea turtle is against the law. Cutting the tail off of a sea turtle is torture and results in the animal bleeding out and dying. Email a letter to our State Attorney, fax 305-294-7707 or join us on September 2nd at 10:00 a.m. at the courthouse in Marathon “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”

Below is the link to the Miami Herald article:


UPDATE: The hearing was postponed. When we get the new date, we will let everyone know. But we would like to thank everyone who showed their support.


UPDATE: The new hearing date is Wednesday September 2nd at 10 am.

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